Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The story behind this tips

Shortly after the PSP's North American release, several people noticed that there was a very basic browser built into Wipeout Pure, accessible via the main menu of the game. When you click on Downloads in this menu, the game attempts to connect to the Internet and access a page that allows you to download new skins and racetracks for the game.

Several people decided to run a scan while this connection was going on and discovered that Wipeout Pure's browser was attempting to reach out to http://ingame.scea.com/wipeout/index.html. Setting up a little simple DNS redirection taking any requests for http://ingame.scea.com and redirecting them to another server hosting a /wipeout/index.html file was the next logical step. Fill that index.html file with a few of your favorite links, and suddenly the entire Internet is available to you via your PSP.

If you try to load http://ingame.scea.com/wipeout/index.html in your regular web browser on your computer, you will receive a page warning you that you are forbidden to access that page. You could try hacking the user agent identification in your browser to mimic the PSP's browser, but just load it in the PSP if you really want to see it.

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