Here are the steps for transfer music from ipod to mac computer.
Apple and itunes are designed in such a way that music transfer one way from pc to ipod. This will force ipod owner to buy registered music. If you click on mounted ipod inside your computer u will not find anything in it.
here is the way to transfer music from ipod to itunes on a mac computer.
First you need to download 3rd party software. Most common are senuti and podworks. Keep in mind itunes is just a ipod manager software.
Install above utility on your computer. This software would help you to transfer music from ipod to itunes. Here is another post that will help you to transfer music from ipod to itunes without using 3rd party software.
Open the installed software. This will allow you to copy song directly from ipod and put them on your selected location. It also allw to copy library, playlists and albums from your ipod
You can also search on internet for software according to your requirement for mac computer.
Note: You can also do some research on the internet and search for some 3rd party programs for Macs which would suit your needs.
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