So far, we know that cancer can only be treated with chemo therapy. However, thisperception seems to be removed and disposed of as far as possible. Why? Becausethere are actually a natural remedy to kill cancer cells that power TEN THOUSANDTIMES fold more potent than the chemo therapy. This natural medicine is a fruit thatfamiliar with the people of Indonesia.
Soursop fruit
But why do we not know?
Because one company's secret world of research findings on this matter serapat2nya,they want to fund research on a very large spend, over the years, to come back earliergains plus abundant with how to make Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material formedicine and drugs sold to the world market ...
Concerned, several people died sia2, pathetic, because the malignancy of cancer,while giant companies, drug makers with turnover of billions of dollars to close rapat2secret wonders of this Graviola tree.
Low tree, in Brazil named "Graviola", in Spanish "Guanabana" in English "soursop". In Indonesia, yes soursop fruit. Spiny fruit is soft, white flesh, it seems manis2 sour / acid,eaten with the skin or the way open for the juice.
Savor the fruit soursop gives effect anti-tumor / cancer is very strong, and medicallyproven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also serves as an anti-bacterial, anti fungi (fungi), effective against various types of parasites / worms, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.
One example of how important the existence of the Institute for Health Science is toinstitute American orang2 unmasked the secret of this miraculous fruit. The astonishingfact is: far dipedalaman amazon forest, grow "magic tree", which will change the wayyou think, your doctor, and the world about the healing process of cancer and hope tosurvive. Nothing could be more promising than this, to masa2 to come.
Research has proven that "magic tree" and the fruit can be:
• Attacking cancer cells with naturally safe and effective, without nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as happened in chemo therapy.
• Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
• Patients feel stronger, healthier during the treatment / healing.
• increased energy and improved physical appearance.
Source is very shocking news comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in America. Graviola fruit in-test in more than 20 laboratories, since the 1970's until the next few years.
Test results of the extract (essence) of this fruit are:
• Effectively selecting target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer,including cancers: colon, breast, prostate, Paru2, and pancreas.
• These drugs 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells comparedwith Adriamicin and Chemo Therapy usually in use.
• Unlike chemo therapy, this juice selectively hunt down and kill sel2 only evil and NOTharm / kill sel2 healthy.
Research has been done in ekstensive on trees "magic"is, for many years but we do notknow why apa2 about this? the answer is: so easy to our health, our lives, is controlledby having money and power.
One of America's largest drug company with a turnover of billions of dollars doingextraordinary research on Graviola tree that grows this Amazon jungle. Apparently someparts of this tree: bark, roots, leaves, fruit flesh and seeds, over the centuries become a drug for the Indians in South America to treat: heart disease, asthma, liver problems(liver) and rheumatism. With scientific bukti2 minimal, the company disbursed funds andhuman resources are very large in order to conduct research and various tests. The results were astounding. Graviola scientifically proven as a cancer cell killing machine.
For prevention:
advised to eat or drink fruit juice soursop.
For healing:
10 pieces of old soursop leaves (dark green) mixed into 3 cups boiling water andcontinue to evaporate and water to 1 cup only.
- 1 cup water drunk each day to patients with 2 times.
- After drinking, he says the body feels the effects of heat, similar to the effects of chemotherapy.
Within 2 weeks, the results can be checked to the doctor, he said quite nutritious.
Soursop leaves are said to nature such as chemotherapy, even more abundant assoursop leaves only kill cells that grow abnormally and let the cells grow normally.
While the killing effects of chemotherapy there was also some normal cells.
Now you know the benefits of the fruit of this extraordinary soursop. It feels refreshingmanis2 wryly. 100% natural fruit with no side effects apapun.Sebar expand this good news to the family, relatives, friends, and friends you love.
Complete story about Graviola, where to get it, and how to use it, can be encountered inBeyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother's Milk, a free specialbonus issue of Health Science Institute.
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