Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deny access to file and folders in windows vista

Sometimes there are some personal files which we don’t want someone else to have access on them. In that case we can lock those files. We can restrict the access easily in Microsoft windows vista.

Setting up a security for a folder or a file is very easy. Simply right click on the folder which you want to lock. Select properties and then select Security tab in folder properties window and then click Edit button. Click on the Add button to open the "Select Users or Group" window.

Now enter the username in the text box for the file which you want lock on your computer.

 Or you can do this as well,

 If you are not sure about the username then click the advanced button, which opens the search window.

To search all users click the Find Now button and then locate the user which you want restrict access to the folder and click OK. Now, you will see the username listed in the Security Permissions window, click on the username to select.

Select the Deny Permissions for that user by checking the Deny box for Full Control.

Then there will be popup window in front of you giving you a security message which says Deny entries always override the allow permissions, click yes and then OK.

This way you can keep your important documents safe from other people by blocking the access in your Microsoft operating system.


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